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In a world brimming with misinformation and surface-level debates, "The Hypatheticals" emerges as a beacon of clarity and depth. We navigate the turbulent waters of political discourse, providing a platform for informed discussions and critical analysis. Our mission is to fill the gaps left by mainstream narratives, offering perspectives that challenge, question, and enlighten. Follow us on "X," where every post is a bridge to understanding the complexities of our political landscape. Join a community that prioritizes truth, insight, and meaningful conversation. Together, let's transform how we engage with politics and pave the way for a more informed society.

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The Hypatheticals blog


Our articles are often called irreverent and if your understanding of the word, like ours, is "showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously" then we half agree. Some people do take politicians seriously and frankly, we think they need medical attention, for by and large, many of them are fruitcakes who deserve no respect. The "Right Honourable" doesn't cut it with us as you will see if you read our blog. go on, we dare you.


Videos & Clips

While we do deal with some pretty SERIOUS MATTERS generally speaking our clips are taking the piss out of some poor soul or politician that in our view needs a good roasting. That's not to say all the clips are pisstakes, no siree!, some are making serious points about matters that should concern most reasonable people - We do have a penchant for the silly and sublime though. Watch at your own risk and be warned there could be expletives involved. Not recommended for #RWNJ's


Polls & Quizzes

A number of our blog articles delve into media bias and the #MSM's unrelenting attacks on Labor and sometimes the independents, it is not debatable that it occurs as statistical analysis shows it to be so, fact. We have linked up with "Proper Polls" and will shortly be conducting polls with a difference, click to get more information. We also have some fun quizzes that are designed to be not just thought-provoking but good fun and we hope that from time to time you get a good belly laugh from them.

Winners are grinners!

The Duddon Slide

No matter how much he moans and groans, swipes and punches, the punches don't land. Peter Dutton is on a downward slide.

Albo demolishes Dutton


"Sitdown Boofhead" - That time when Dutton seethed with anger but had no power against Albo's succinct putdown

Albo dispatches Dutton

Albo DISPATCHES the Duddon

Albo quietly dismisses "I move the member no longer be heard" - So much for free speech

Preferred Prime Minister


The figures above are from NEWSPOLL (YouGov) February 4th 2024 - https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/newspoll

Albo Predicted March 24
Duddon Predicted March 24

LNP is a basket case

Predictions are made by clairvoyants who, notwithstanding they are always drunk, have been accurate 100% of the time in ALL their predictions.

More graphs

Click the button to see more graphs including he latest Morgan poll for 2Party Preferred voter intention (updated March 2024)

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The Hypatheticals

We are in the process of this major update to our site and content is likely to change daily. Feel free to check back often or join our newsletter to know when major updates occur.

The Hypatheticals

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